Although there is much involved in the creation of delectable Japanese cuisine, Teppanyaki forms a large part of it, which many misunderstand to be same as hibachi or just grilled food. By: Soumya Jain Japan’s cuisine is as technically precise as it is creating a watch or jewelry. The fish has to be placed just the way and seaweed rolled with just enough pressure to be able to present a perfectly made sushi. Apart from the more popular sushi and sashimi, Teppanyaki also forms a part of Japanese cuisine. To put it in easy words, Teppanyaki uses an iron griddle to cook food. In Japan, ‘teppanyaki’ refers to dishes cooked using an iron plate, including steak, shrimp, vegetables, okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake), yakisoba (Japanese fried noodles), and monjayaki (also a kind of savory Japanese pancake). Modern teppanyaki grills are typically propane-heated flat surface grills and are widely used to cook food in front of guests at restaurants. Teppanyaki grills are commonly ...
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